Meet Talia. She is sugar, spice, and everything nice. My heart wants to burst with joy just looking at her sweet little face. Talia is the daughter of two wonderful people, Michael and Grace. You may remember Michael and Grace from their wedding in August of 2008. We first met them in the Winter 2008, when they were searching for a wedding photographer. Upon meeting Michael and Grace, we became fast friends. I believe that anyone who is lucky enough to call Michael and Grace their friends would agree that to know them is to love them. Since that initial meeting, we’ve experienced some important moments with them: their wedding day, the purchase of their first home, and, most recently, the arrival of their first baby, Talia. Just a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of spending a lovely afternoon photographing this beautiful family. It’s afternoons like the one pictured here that remind me why I love my job.
Talia is smiling while she’s sleeping…I wonder what she’s dreaming about? 🙂
Well, hello there!
Cousin Maddie did a great job watching over Talia…
Couldn’t resist. Had to photograph that smile:)
So happy! 🙂
Sleepy Talia…
Man, it’s exhausting being this cute! 🙂